In the landfill industry, every inch counts.
Companies need to ensure that landfills are efficiently operated and maximize the amount of real estate.
A key part is having accurate measurements to determine whether they are below, at, or above the desired landfill design levels. They need to have precise information about heights, slopes and grades to manage resources and stay in compliance.
For years, Secure Energy Services , a leading environmental and energy infrastructure business, operated without in-house surveying. It often relied on outsourced third-parties who were an expensive option or untrained in-house personnel resorting to guesswork to determine slopes and grades.
It was an approach that didn’t work efficiently and led to inaccuracies in landfill operations, ultimately resulting in increased costs. To modernize its landfill management Secure Energy purchase TerraFlow’s Surface Mapper software to measure cut-fill levels.
“We needed a solution to fill the landfills accurately and efficiently. The more times we move waste within the landfill the higher the expenses. If the waste can be placed correctly the first time the companies’ expenses are minimized, ultimately increasing profits.” Colin Penniket, project manager with Secure Energy.
Secure Energy’s Challenges
- Lack of in-house surveying capabilities.
- Reliance on guesswork for landfill slope and grade determination.
- Inefficient data collection and mapping methods.
- Remote landfill locations with limited access to correction services.
Key Benefits Realized:
1. User-Friendly Solution: Secure Energy equipped its employees with a backpack carrying a Trimble R2 and a tablet. The system provides real-time cut-fill measurements, ensuring that even individuals without specialized training can use it effectively.
2. Efficiency: The software delivers instant measurements, reducing the time required for data collection and analysis. Operators can quickly assess whether they are below, at, or above the desired landfill design levels.
3. Cost Savings: Accurate measurements during landfill operations minimize the need for later adjustments, leading to substantial cost savings. Secure Energy estimates savings in the millions of dollars by avoiding unnecessary waste relocation.
4. Flexibility: While centimeter-level accuracy is achieved during landfill capping, initial measurements can be within a few feet of the design, making it accessible for a broader range of users.
5. Adaptability: The software adapts to changing landfill conditions, providing updated measurements as waste accumulates. This adaptability is essential for managing landfills over extended periods.
Secure Energy’s adoption of Surface Mapper has helped to transform its landfill management practices. The user-friendly and efficient software has enabled accurate real-time measurements, resulting in substantial cost savings and improved landfill operations. issues.
Secure Energy’s success story showcases how innovative technology solutions can change traditional industries, making them more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible.
“It’s easy to use software, which is a huge plus because anyone can use it.”
“We needed a solution to fill the landfills accurately and efficiently. The more times we move waste within the landfill the higher the expenses. If the waste can be placed correctly the first time the companies’ expenses are minimized, ultimately increasing profits.”