Enables utility pole engineering teams to gather information about their overhead world and integrate it with other business systems such as their Geographic Information System and / or Enterprise Asset Management System.
Capture your locate information accurately, the first time

Pole Mapper
In 2014, Hydro One proposed replacing 11,000 utility poles in Ontario. That is 11,000 utility poles that need to be mapped, and attachments which need to be cataloged and managed.
Pole Mapper brings together the best in breed Laser range finders, GPS and mobile technology to significantly improve your teams’ workflows. Accurate record keeping and high precision data collection of poles, and related equipment, when built is critical.
Utility Pole data isn’t static though; new equipment, 5G telecom gear, and new electrical infrastructure may need to be mounted in the future. Can the pole ‘as built’ handle it? Is there space on the pole? These are the types of questions that Pole Mapper is designed to help answer.
Pole Mapper integrates directly with both high accuracy GNSS (GPS) positioning systems such as those provided by Trimble and Eos, as well as high performance Laser Range finders including those built by Laser Tech. One click capture-and-map technology captures ALL pole information and spatial information at the same time.
Product Specification Details
- GNSS Support
- Trimble Catalyst
- Trimble R Series
- Trimble Spectra Precision
- Eos GNSS
- Geometry Collection
- Point
- Line (with per vertex details)
- Line extend functions
- Point delete / Line delete
- Polygon (with per vertex details)
- Attributes (unlimited number)
- All GNSS metadata (accuracy, satellites, etc.)
- User information (name, email)
- Date / Time information logged
- Text attributes
- Dropdowns (with “Other” opens a text box to capture a non-defined item)
- Radio Button choices
- Photo capture
- Collection methods
- Individual Point (i.e. valve)
- Timed multi point or line – user tracking, generates data on a timed interval
- User chosen multi-point – user decides when to collect the next point (i.e. hydro line with discrete locations)
- Attachments – use the laser to add your attachment heights through 3 Point and 2 Point Missing Line routines
- Integrations
- LaserTech TruPulse 200x
- LaserTech TruPulse 200x
- Navigate to point (Stakeout functionality)
- Operating System Support
- Android v4 and above
- Apple iOS can be supported if required
- Map making
- Default map with underling Google Maps / Image
- Turn points on / off
- Ability to draw offsets / building lines and other items (configurable)
- Ability to support custom symbols (i.e. valve symbols, line styles, etc.)
- Ability to define map output (all in one, per utility etc.)
- Data Export
- Shapefile
- ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Portal – support for Esri Dashboards, Esri GeoEvent Server, etc.
- Standard DXF Template
- AutoCAD DXF can be configured to meet your Block and Line standards
- Data Import
- ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Portal
- Fully web-based backend
- Unlimited users
- Secure environment
- Per client databases (no mixing / matching of data in one giant database)
- Database can be geolocated anywhere where Microsoft Azure has a data center (by default databases are stored in Canada)
- System is fully secured and managed in Microsoft Azure datacenters
- Database hybrid support – if the database needs to be housed internally, this can be supported
- All data owned by client – TerraFlow does not retain ownership of data collected, it’s yours, we just help store and manage it
- Support
- Full support of the application
- Development upgrades are frequent
- Very receptive to client feedback and improvement requests